Car brand advertising pragmatic

1, Geely Automobile - do people can afford a good car: Geely's pricing has been reasonable, home, cost-effective is its biggest bright spot, this year's listing of Bo Yue, Imperial GS, Vision SUV are privileged products, sales continued increase. 2, Zotye Automotive - all the way to friends: high-value, to the extreme imitation known for three or four lines to the broad masses of people to bring the gospel, good friends all the way counterparts. 3, BYD Auto - new energy vehicle leader: the battery started to fuel vehicles as a transition, the technology is mature, new energy vehicles on one by one, the new energy path to the expansive. 4, the Great Wall Hover - SUV leader: an annual sales of 300,000 of the Harvard H6 enough to make the opponent ashamed, really very SUV, is indeed the leader. 5, SAIC-Volkswagen Skoda - it is not simple: SAIC Volkswagen's more close to the people of the brand, more affordable models than the public, but the brand value is not bad.